Should you be a CAPA member? Take this test!
Who can become a member? Anyone who can mark at least ONE of the following statements as “true”:
You know the difference between Frankie Yankovich and Weird Al Yankovich.
You can play the “Clarinet Polka.”
You know who Myron Floren or Dick Contino was.
You once played the accordion in a Kiwanis Stars of Tomorrow Talent Show.
You can play absolutely anything in polka time.
If you are female, you are tired of speculation about how you keep your breasts from getting caught in the bellows, or whether or not there is such a thing as a “C” cup accordion.
You know what the “bellow shakes” are.
You grit your teeth when you hear the words “Beer Barrel Polka” or “How’s about a little ‘Lady of Spain?’” (Contrary to popular belief, accordionists do know other songs.)
You wish someone like Justin Timberlake, George Clooney, Scarlett Johansson, Beyonce, Selena Gomez, or some other hot celebrity would take up the accordion.
You’ve got at least one accordion stashed in a closet somewhere, or sitting in your mother’s basement.
You don’t play the accordion yourself, but you love someone who does.
You don’t play the accordion yourself, but you have the good sense to wish you did.
You are willing to take the following pledge: I solemnly swear, if I ever dress up as a nerd on Halloween, never, ever to use an accordion as part of my costume.